Total Quality Management (Quality Control)

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Course Content:

  1.  Explain what is Total Quality Management (TQM)?
  2. Describe the Evolution of TQM
  3. Explain Concepts in TQM
  4. Explain what is Cost Benefit Analysis?
  5. Explain the Principles of TQM Pyramid
  6. Explain Kano’s Five Types of Quality
  7. Explain Kinds of Measurements in TQM
  8. Explain the STINGER Principle
  9. Describe the Various Tools used in TQM
  10. Describe the Focus Areas of TQM
  11. Explain the Steps for the Quality Improvement Process
  12. Explain Four Absolutes of Quality Improvement Process
  13. Explain the Implementation of TQM
  14. Explain Deming’s 14 Points to Improve Quality
  15. List the Benefits of TQM