Master in Human Capital Development and People Management

Course Outline
- 360 Degree Feedback
- Career Development
- Coaching Skills
- Compensation Management
- Competency Based Assessment
- Constructive Feedback
- Diversity Management
- Employee Behaviour
- Employee Development
- Employee Relationship Management
11. Employee Retention
12. Employee Retention Management
13. Employee Satisfaction
14. Employee Absenteeism Management
15. Employee Engagement
16. Employee Onboarding
17. Employee Selection Process 1
18. Employee Selection Process 2
19. Employer Branding
20. Five Dimensions of Culture
21. Grievance, Discipline and Dismissal
22. HR Consulting
23. Human Capital Management
24. Human Resource Development
25. Human Resource Management
26. Improving Employee Performance
27. Counselling and Psychotherapy
28. Job Analysis & Design
29. Johari Window
30. Knowing Your Employees
31. Knowledge Management
32. Management Consulting
33. Manpower Planning
34. NGO Management
35. Online Recruitment and Selection
36. Pareto Analysis
37. Participative Management
38. Performance Appraisals
39. Performance Management
40. Personnel Management
41. Power of Feedback
42. Relationship Building
43. Rewards Management
44. Principles of Psychology
45. Basics of Psychology
46. Social Psychology
47. Succession Planning
48. Talent Management
49. Target Orientation
50. Training & Development
51. Training Needs Analysis
52. Transitioning from Individual Contributor to Manager
53. Work Life Balance
54. Workplace Efficiency
55. Workplace Politics