Master in Organization Skills and Capacity Development

Course Outline

  1. Emotional Intelligence
  2. Advanced-Emotional-Intelligence and Personal Skills
  3. Entrepreneurial Skills
  4. Social Entrepreneurship
  5. Youth Entrepreneurship
  6. Anger Management
  7. Assertiveness Skills Complete
  8. Basic of English Speaking Workplace
  9. Brainstorming Skills
  10. Building Influence
  11. Building Resilience
  12. Building Self-Confidence
  13. Business Networking
  14. Coaching and Mentoring Skills
  15. Conducting Interviews
  16. Conflict Management
  17. Corporate Etiquette
  18. Creative Thinking
  19. Delegation Skills
  20. Facing Interviews
  21. Fitness Training
  22. Handling Complaints
  23. Hotel Reception Reservation Assistant
  24. Interior Designing
  25. Job Search Strategies
  26. Learning to Learn
  27. Listening Skills
  28. Making Small Talk
  29. Managing Success and Failures
  30. Mastering Art of Technical Writing
  31. Meeting Skills

32. Memory Skills
33. Negotiation
34. Negotiation Skills- Advanced
35. Neuroscience for Leaders and Managers
36. NLP Core Skills
37. Overcoming Procrastination
38. Personal Branding and Image Building
39. Personal Goal Setting
40. Personal SWOT Analysis
41. Persuasion Skills
42. Positive Attitude
43. Presentation Skills
44. Proactive Thinking
45. Problem Solving
46. Public Speaking for Success Completed
47. Questioning Skills
48. Read Smarter Consuming Information
49. Recruitment Skills
50. Resume Writing
51. Self-Motivation
52. Skills for Hiring and Interviewing Manager
53. Stress Management
54. Student to Professional
55. Supervisory Skills
56. Telesales Skills
57. Time Management
58. Train the Trainer
59. Traits of successful Senior Executives
60. Writing Proposals


Do more than you ever thought possible.Have more impact than you ever imagined.

foundation and focus

human technology

